Santa Cruz County
Dog Training & Puppy Classes
Helping people & dogs become better life partners.
Located in Santa Cruz County since 1999
8022 Soquel Dr
Aptos Village, CA, 95003
Barn Hunt Classes
Barn Hunt is the new and quickly growing dog sport catching fire across the country! Barn Hunt is based on the traditional roles of many breeds in ridding farms, barns, crop storage areas, and homes of destructive vermin. Some breeds were specifically created to fill this role, and for many of those breeds, Barn Hunt provides their first true opportunity for responsible breeders to test proper working traits in their dogs. Barn Hunt is also open to any dog of any breed or mix who wishes to play the game and can fit through an 18″ wide by bale-height tall tunnel. Barn Hunt has titles, levels of increasing difficulty, and championships. Barn Hunt is an independent sport, but titles are recognized by both the American Kennel Club (AKC) and United Kennel Club (UKC).
Barn Hunt is committed to creating a safe and fun sport for dogs, that also holds rat care at the highest level of consideration. The rats used in Barn Hunt are often beloved family pets. They jump eagerly into their safe, comfortable aerated tubes and truly enjoy interacting with the dogs.
Barn Hunt is a great sport for older dogs, and older people too! Tripod dogs can compete, and so can deaf dogs. To get started first read the rules, then come out and play. We hope you try it, we think you’ll like it!
Open Barn Hunt Ring Time & Field Rentals
Please contact us if you are interested in renting the barn hunt ring. Specify dates and times. Look at our class calendar to see open times on the schedule. You and your dog must be pre-approved for rentals by an evaluation. Ring Rental is $20/hour for 1 dog, plus an additional $5 per dog for one owner. Additional set up and tear down time may be needed for an additional hourly rate. Please contact us with specific times and days for an evaluation and rental.
Our Philosophy
Our philosophy of training is to use reinforcement and motivation for all training. Motivation can be food, toys, patting, praise, play, chase games, movement or anything the dog finds rewarding. This means using rewards for desirable behavior, preventing undesirable behavior, removing rewards for unwanted behaviors and being clear and consistent. To protect the welfare of dogs harsh corrections are not allowed at our facility. Harsh corrections include: verbal corrections, yelling, physical corrections, spray bottles, or intimidating treatment of the dog or while on the property. The use of electronic, "E", electronic stimulation, vibratory, citronella, prong or slip (choke) collars are not allowed during classes nor anywhere on the training property.